Bryn’s New Bike

We went bike shopping yesterday. Bryn brought home a new bike! It’s a Lexa model from Trek.

Today we didn’t go too far, just a bit over 15 miles. But it was Bryn’s first ride of the year.

The interesting thing, when Bryn and I ride together, is that we start out riding together, but I always end up in the lead. Not so much today! Most of the time we stayed side by side.

At one point Bryn got ahead of me by 100 yards or so. I continued to pedal at normal speed for a while because that’s all I have ever had to do to catch up.

Not this time, we were staying nearly even. I had to work to catch up. That was fun.

I don’t know if Bryn was just excited to ride a new road bike, or if the much-lower-weight of the new bike means she will always ride faster. Regardless I enjoyed her bike almost as much as she did.

Bryn’s knees began to hurt during the ride, so we resolved to get a better fitting.

15.15 miles today. 220.90 miles YTD.

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