Is Spring Coming Yet?

Today was 10 degrees warmer than yesterday, 26F instead of 16F. In the upper-20s I don’t have to have foot warmers to ride. Good thing, since I used my last pair yesterday.

The other modification I made today was that I went back to sunglasses, no cumbersome ski goggles.

With these two wardrobe changes, my face started out cold, and my feet ended up colder than yesterday. But it was a nice ride on a sunny afternoon.

The photograph is at Sunset Park. The sign says that the park is closed November 1 to April 1. That means we have one more month until this park, and its restroom, is open once again. To me, April 1 is when the bicycling spring arrives.

It’s interesting that yesterday I could not get to this park because the trail was covered with snow past an earlier point. Today there were patches of snow before the park, but easily passable.

I rode a little past the park before the snow patches became uneven and a bit icy. That’s when I turned around.

Today’s ride was the shortest of the year.

11.31 miles. YTD 78.56 miles.

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