Where Did This Come From?

Just west of Wales, WI, there’s a new subdivision, as pictured above. All last summer there was work going on–clearing a field, moving soil, random activity. I wondered what they were doing.

There has been a lot of road reconstruction nearby so I thought the work might be related to that. The last time I went past here in the fall, it was still unidentifiable piles of dirt.

Now, it’s spring, and there are houses. And not just one or two, but a half dozen or so. They grew like weeds, if weeds can grow during the winter.

I guess I have to get out more often. But it is difficult to get to this point on the Glacial Drumlin Trail during the winter. There is usually too much snow to make it to Wales, let along further west.

20.29 miles today. 173.32 miles YTD.

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