Wildflowers Everywhere

OK, they’re not really everywhere at this point. But this was a nice grouping.

I also found a patch of bluish-purple flowers in another place and was going to get a picture of that on my way home. But I zoomed right by that spot when I got back to it. Oops.

Today I rode the Glacial Drumlin Trail to Dousman. On longer rides that’s often where I exit the trail because it converts from asphalt to crushed limestone going west from Dousman.

Since this was my first trip to Dousman this year, and the longest ride of the year so far, I was content to make it to Main Street.

There has been road construction with Main Street dug up for a long time. The work doesn’t look completely finished yet, but at least there was no gravel.

The restrooms at Cory Park are not open yet so that convenient option is not available. There’s a gas station north on Main Street that easily serves this need however. And Bicycle Doctor is right on the trail at Main Street so that works too.

I typically go to the gas station because I can take my bike in with me. At Bicycle Doctor I have to leave it outside. I’m more comfortable doing that when others are present so that the bike is not left alone. I don’t want it to feel abandoned. 🙂

28.19 miles today. 291.32 miles YTD.

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